We love engaging with and connecting people. One of the best ways for us to do that is through events and workshops.
We offer a variety of free and paid public events open to individuals, teams and groups.
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Featured Events
Hosted by Janet du Preez, masterful programme designer, facilitator and past DisruptJozi franchise owner, our weekly online Astute Leader Events draw leaders together to explore how they can develop the 4 critical 21st Century leader competencies, covered in our Astute Leader Programme.
- Influence: Be Articulate
- Insight: Be Aware
- Interdependence: Be Adult
- Implementation: Be Adept
Each event includes a pecha kucha type presentation, an interview, breakout conversations, online whiteboarding exercises and other activities crafted to grow leaders and support co-learning. Our guests will share insights and practical ways in which the critical Astute Leader competencies can be developed and applied.
Join us for powerful content and meaningful conversations.
We look forward to seeing you there.