Maya Angelou said, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” The human race has persevered in the face of many challenges and continued to progress toward civilization and sophistication. More than ever the challenges we face seem to require more force and energy, the will and ingenuity to transform and empower pre-existing structures in order to foster greater effectiveness and prosperity for all.
Engagement Dynamics is an innovative consulting firm that offers great value specific to Leadership and Organisational Development. We serve to inspire and support courageous leaders who intend to craft 21st century organisational masterpieces. We focus on enabling business leaders to ensure that the members of their teams are optimally engaged in the context of the complexities, on-going changes and conflicts, which occur in the business environment.

Recently, we collaborated with Resonance Consulting Services to offer a unique and one-of-a-kind leadership development event for women of influence. This exclusive event was tailored to support a deep developmental exploration for women in leadership roles or women who aspire to become leaders. The programme further assisted those in attendance to overcome high-pressure challenges that they face on a daily basis, whilst foregrounding their own inherent strengths.
The event, held at the luxurious Morrells Boutique Venue in Northcliff on 9 April 2018, promoted the opportunity for this select group to connect with like-minded women of influence and spend time focussing on their own personal leadership growth. These women indicated that they felt spoilt and nurtured. They marvelled at the cohesion and insights which emerged in this diverse group and how quickly, safely and effectively they were able to tackle some of their greatest challenges.
If you are interested in attending one of our next Women of Influence events, email me on: [email protected]